Nameplate Blog

Aluminum nameplates are used to boost branding efforts by a company. They can showcase a product name, a corporate logo or simply an icon. A great example of this is looking at the Ford Mustang. The horse image is easily recognizable as the iconic logo for the muscle car.
Tonight marks a big game in NCAA basketball with the matchup between Duke and Wisconsin. We sure are proud of our men's Badger basketball team!
Illusions of Embossed Nameplates One of the neat things that decorating aluminum offers is the ability to provide illusions. A shift in viewing angle or how light is reflected can give the appearance of a graphic being embossed. These illusions provide visual alternatives to custom emboss tools for ...
Stock Dies for Metal Nameplates Stamping tools created to produce metal nameplates are intended to be in use for many years and yield millions of parts. A library of available stock dies means that your project can take advantage of common shapes and sizes to keep your initial costs low and within ...
No matter if you are working on your first or hundredth nameplate, the process to design it is the same. Your corporate brand strategy has likely identified a specific look and target market that is front and center. It stands to reason that the label found on your product should match that message ...
When to Redesign Your Nameplate? How do you tell if it is time to consider updating your aluminum nameplate or plastic label? You are not alone in asking this question. In fact, it is one of the most common design centered inquiries. Let's take a look at 5 signs that you should update your ...
Brand Identification with Individual Letters Many times when working on a nameplate design focus is centered on the right shape or the right colors for text and background. While these are indeed important elements for branding, sometimes it is necessary to step outside the box from standard shapes ...
Faux Leather Finish on Aluminum Sometimes the best decoration for a nameplate is to allow it to take on the look of natural surfaces. Aluminum provides a good surface for hand crafted looks since it is reflective and therefore adds to depth for highlights and shadows. This badge shows the level of ...
Embossed Graphics = Custom Tool for Nameplates and Labels? Not always. A dimensional logo can be cause for nameplate tooling to be complex. This in turn can be a cost driver for the first production run due to the upfront tool cost needed. Budgets can be tight and not friendly for this type of ...

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