Protecting Your Aluminum Nameplates Sustainably Companies,Organizations and Municipalities around the world are facing a growing problem in disposal and recycling of EPS foam. EPS foam (Expanded Polystyrene) is a highly popular packaging material which finds wide application in packaging of food ...
Nameplate Blog
Posted by
Sarah Stanton
When John Deere came to us looking for a highly formed nameplate, we were up for the task.
Posted by
Vicky Bowie
Self Promotion When you're working to get your name or event out there and in front of customers or prospective clients there is a myriad of options for low cost stickers, key chains, etc. What differentiates your promotional piece from the next? Aluminum is a great solution to give your name a ...
Posted by
Vicky Bowie
Many Shapes of Aluminum Nameplates and Labels Shape is a big deal if you are working on the design for new brand identification. It is the topic of one of the most common questions that come up in the design process. How do you choose which shape to use for your nameplate? Don't let this become a ...
Posted by
Vicky Bowie
One of the elements of designing your nameplate or label is to consider how it will attach to your product. A common solution is to use a pressue sensitive adhesive on the back of the emblem. Choosing the appropriate adhesive for your nameplate, label or badge should include careful consideration ...
Posted by
Vicky Bowie
The color blue is energetic and can open the flow of communication. Adding blue to your aluminum nameplate design creates vibrance, mystery and drama. Blue represents knowledge, integrity, understanding and stability. Here are a few aluminum nameplate designs that incorporate a blue finish.
Posted by
Vicky Bowie
You've designed a great product and now have the challenge in front of you to release it to the public. What makes your brand stand out from the next one on the shelf? This is a common concern voiced by brand owners in every industry and on just about every consumer product out there. Visually ...
Posted by
Vicky Bowie
When this exterior badge came across my desk I had to stop and take a second look. It is an example of how a larger nameplate can become an elegant show piece for a brand.
Posted by
Vicky Bowie
Illusions of Embossed Nameplates One of the neat things that decorating aluminum offers is the ability to provide illusions. A shift in viewing angle or how light is reflected can give the appearance of a graphic being embossed. These illusions provide visual alternatives to custom emboss tools for ...
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