Nameplate Blog

Faux Leather Finish on Aluminum Sometimes the best decoration for a nameplate is to allow it to take on the look of natural surfaces. Aluminum provides a good surface for hand crafted looks since it is reflective and therefore adds to depth for highlights and shadows. This badge shows the level of ...
Embossed Graphics = Custom Tool for Nameplates and Labels? Not always. A dimensional logo can be cause for nameplate tooling to be complex. This in turn can be a cost driver for the first production run due to the upfront tool cost needed. Budgets can be tight and not friendly for this type of ...
There are times when decoration for aluminum nameplates requires more than text for a company or product name. Sometimes the design calls for detailed artwork with highs, lows and blending of colors. Does this mean that you have to steer clear of using aluminum for your branding? On the contrary, ...
Point of Purchase Nameplates and Labels Consumer products need to grab attention and make the buyer feel like they must have this widget right now. Your nameplate or label design needs to help with this goal. Two items which should be considered in your design are the product branding and the ...
The over-mold process unifies aluminum and plastic in a seamless manner, providing a unique way to identify your brand.
Guest Blogger This article is part of a series of articles from my co-workers on their favorite nameplates. Barb Smith, our guest blogger this week, has chosen a nameplate that appealed to her based on its elegance and uniqueness.
This article is the fourth in a series featuring options in three-dimensional embossing on aluminum. This holiday card is an excellent illustration of the possibilities since each letter highlights a unique option in embossing. The embossed details are contrasted against a modern background design ...
Each decorative process has advantages and limitation. Understanding the boundaries of these processe allows you to take full advantage of all they offer while pushing the limits of their capabilities.
A trend in logo design that has been popular, and is illustrated here, is the use of a rainbow of colors. It's an effective way to add interest to a design. Bold color grabs our attention. So it's important to find a balance between the use of color and the other elements of the design. Nameplates ...

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