Looking For an Authentic Metal Surface for Your Nameplate?

Brushed Metal Nameplates Add Percieved Value to your Product

A brushed metal surface is popular because it is an authentic metal surface.  It is a mechanical process which abrades the surface of the metal. Brushed aluminum is a common background for nameplates and brand identification.

This is a decorating process where a sheet of aluminum passes beneath a coarse brush head to create the linear finish. It can be applied selectively as well as at varying angles to create movement and visual depth to the surface of the aluminum. Layers and different angles of brush result in dimensional background finishes


Brushed aluminum can increase perceived value for the end product because it provides a finished look. Brushed metal combines with standard nameplate processes to increase perceived value.  The brush technique gives the metal a shimmering appearance.


With brushed metal you can compliment the silver finish with a selective bright bead, integrate your brand logo in a variey of techniques and specify color and gloss to create the look that you need.

Aluminum is a favorite material for decoration becuase it can take on the look of other metals and is friendly for applying transparent colors. Brushed finishes are available in warm or cool tints and can be created in bronze, copper, brass and stainless steel looks. The application of a low gloss topcoat results in an anodized metal look with a satin, soft feel.

Brushed cosmetic nameplate red-anodized-aluminum-elok.jpgWatlow-Simulated-Anodized-NP.jpg

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Editor’s note: This post was originally published in August 2011 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Will you use brushed aluminum on your next nameplate? Let's talk!

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