Nameplate Blog

You've designed a great product and now have the challenge in front of you to release it to the public. What makes your brand stand out from the next one on the shelf? This is a common concern voiced by brand owners in every industry and on just about every consumer product out there. Visually ...
Nameplate and Label Manufacturing Process It's a common question - How do you make a nameplate? It is important to understand that not all nameplate and label manufacturers use the same decorating and production processes. This can be cause for differences in price and lead times. For this reason I ...
The 50th Anniversary Ford Mustang is a limited edition with just 1964 vehicles produced. A special edition nameplate to commemorate this milestone features deep etched aluminum graphics for a two tone look.
Simulated Anodized Colors on Aluminum Nameplates Anodized colors are achieved with dyes and a chemical process to harden and seal the metal. The resulting finish is elegant and durable. This type of decoration is limited to flat surfaces because forming or embossing the aluminum can result in ...
Enhanced Brand Identity When designing an aluminum badge to enhance and showcase a high profile brand, some common appearance requirements include sharp detail or bold and reflective graphics. With the variety of decorating options available, these elements can seem difficult to achieve. This post ...
Illusions of Embossed Nameplates One of the neat things that decorating aluminum offers is the ability to provide illusions. A shift in viewing angle or how light is reflected can give the appearance of a graphic being embossed. These illusions provide visual alternatives to custom emboss tools for ...
Brand Identification with Individual Letters Many times when working on a nameplate design focus is centered on the right shape or the right colors for text and background. While these are indeed important elements for branding, sometimes it is necessary to step outside the box from standard shapes ...
Faux Leather Finish on Aluminum Sometimes the best decoration for a nameplate is to allow it to take on the look of natural surfaces. Aluminum provides a good surface for hand crafted looks since it is reflective and therefore adds to depth for highlights and shadows. This badge shows the level of ...
Brushed Aluminum = Simulated Beveled Emboss It never ceases to amaze me how many options there are to decorated aluminum surfaces to end up with highly decorative pieces of eye-candy. A flat piece of metal that starts out quite plain and gray becomes transformed into a bright focus piece with ...

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