Blind Embossed Aluminum Furniture Label

I saw this furniture tag and had to take a second look. It's not very big and does not have any glitz or bright colors. Yet there is a rich and elegant look to it. This is definitely one of my new favorites!


This aluminum nameplate takes on the look of stainless steel with an overall low gloss top coat. The graphics are blind embossed up from the surface. A blind emboss utilizes the same finish on the embossed graphics as the background, resulting a subtle effect. The same type of tooling can be used with reset or debossed graphics.

What a great example of a clean and simple design to elevate the brand with a very attractive metal label! 

Want to see for yourself examples of blind emboss aluminum nameplates? Let's talk!

Namplate Samples, Aluminum Nameplates, Plastic Labels



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Namplate Samples, Aluminum Nameplates, Plastic Labels