Using Pattern for Dimension in Aluminum Nameplates

Many times we are asked for options in creating dimension at a minimum cost for nameplates and labels. Just look at the dimension created when a technical pattern is used in the background of this aluminum nameplate!  The brushed border appears to be a higher level than the background, resulting in perceived depth without need for a custom emboss tool.

XV1 dimensional nameplate
dimensional aluminum pattern on metal nameplateBrushed aluminum coupled with a textured pattern is what makes up the dimensional qualities of this metal nameplate. The decoration isn't over-powering for the brand; rather it provides an elegant backdrop to showcase the product name, without incurring additional tooling operations and expense.  
Bringing the pattern in from the edges of the part creates a natural border which has the appearance of being raised up. The difference between the low gloss aluminum and the high gloss texture of the pattern create additional visual depth, contributing to the dimensional look of the nameplate.

Patterns can be incorporated in many ways for your nameplate design. The possibilities are truly endless, from enhancing a flat nameplate to completing the look on a complex tooled badge. Check out the Surface Collection Gallery for groupings of patterns and finishes compiled by color, structure and theme.

Editor’s note: This post was originally on Northern Engraving's Design Blog exploring decoration for aluminum surfaces. It has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Can your next nameplate design include a pattern?  Let's talk!


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