Specifying Color for Nameplates

Definition of Your Target Color

Color specifying begins with the definition of a master or target color. There are several options for communicating the information across suppliers. The most common method used is the use of a mass-produced, categorized color system such as the Pantone Matching System, or PMS Book. A second method is the use of an existing color sample on basically any substrate. The least used option is a verbal or written description, since it is the most subjective. 

Checklist of Additional Information Needed When Specifying Color

1. Substrates  - The base substrate a color is printed on affects the character of ink and thus the ink formulation may need to be adjusted. 


2. Graphic or Background  -  Understanding how a color will be used is critical in determining which process will be utilized in printing the color (lithography, screening, or coating).     


3. Gloss - Gloss is specified in a scale ranging from no gloss (0°) to a mirror-like reflection (100°).


4. Opaques, Transparent Tints and Metallics - Special effect colors on aluminum create visual interest and add diversity to color schemes.


5. End Use Specifications - Examples of end use considerations include interior or exterior applications, chemical resistance, abrasion resistance, and UV requirements.

color definition for nameplates and labels


This is just a piece of the information that we have available on the topic of color in our eBook - Guide to Color Specifying for Product Identification. Get your copy and learn more.

color guide, aluminum decoration options, color options on aluminum

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