
Nameplate Blog's Top 10 in 2009

metal nameplatesWith the year over, I thought it would be interesting to see which articles were of most interest to you.  It's a fascinating exercise to see what resonated most with you as we look back on the first year of our blog.  It looks like the materials and processes articles were important overall.  Many of you were interested in the posts exploring options and alternatives available to you in the design of your nameplate or label.  There was also interest in personalization or customization.

I'll keep all of this in mind as I plan expanded articles in 2010.  If you'd like to watch for these, consider subscribing via email or RSS.

If you missed a couple posts, here are the ones you visited most this year.  Thanks for reading this blog and making it a thought-provoking endeavor. 

1) When You Need a Stainless Steel Nameplate - Durable and Elegant Stainless Steel Nameplates | Stainless steel nameplates are popular in appliance design for both their look and their ability to stand up to corrosive environments.

2) How to Create a Nameplate with Individual Letters - Clean and Versatile Nameplates | Nameplates consisting of individual letters create a clean look on the final product.  In addition, single letters make the badge versatile. 

3) The Nameplate Design Process from Start to Finish - A Quick Checklist when Working on a Nameplate | Article offers insights into the steps involved in designing an aluminum nameplate label or badge. 

4) Embossed Aluminum Nameplate for Product Identification - Options in Embossing Aluminum Nameplates | A two-dimensional emboss, multi-level emboss or sculptural emboss added to a nameplate creates dimension and a premium look for your brand.

5) Four Diamond Cut Nameplate Options - Diamond Cut Aluminum Nameplates | A diamond cut nameplate features crisp distinctive graphics.  The process involves embossing graphics and using a rapidly rotating industrial diamond to cut the surface of the aluminum. 

6) Options for Silver Graphics in your Aluminum Nameplate - Brite, Brushed, Spun, Metallic and More | There are many alternatives to consider when creating a nameplate which includes silver graphics, borders or background. 

7) Metal ID Tags and Asset Labels  - Aluminum and Steel Industrial Identification Plates | Metal substrates are a durable option when your product needs a nameplate or label that withstands harsh environments. 

8) Six Ways to Make a Flat Nameplate Stand Out - Classic or Attention Getting Nameplates | Nameplates without embossing or forming can be just as attractive as dimensional nameplates.  They can be mechanically finished and printed to create classic or attention getting looks.

9) Four Ways to Hide the Raw Edge on an Aluminum Nameplate - Options in Design | A common question that arises during the design phase of a nameplate is: how can I hide the raw edge of aluminum on my nameplate? 

10 Laser Etched Nameplates, Plaques and Badges - Laser Etched Personalization | Laser etching affords customization via serialization, numbering and personalization.  A wide range of fonts are available to be integrated into part design. 

Thanks again for reading and being a part of the discussion.  I'd love to hear what ideas you have for topics in upcoming posts.



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