
Can an Aluminum Badge Have a Tapered Emboss? Yes!

Tapered Embossed Aluminum Badge

Many times when a design calls for embossed detail for aluminum trim, this is to signify a uniform step up of the material so there is a visual and tactile dimension to the part. What if your design calls for a tapered or gradual step up? Will this work with an aluminum badge? Yes it can and here is one example of how.

Motorcycle badges need to have substance to them - they call attention to the vehicle and typically are rugged, strong looking emblems with robust attachment to the bike. The decoration makes use of just one color background, keeping this cost effective. The emboss is different than standard one step up design. It is gradual so that it gains in height from the edge of the part across the graphic. This adds interest as well as a multi-dimensional look to the aluminum trim.

Tapered emboss aluminum trim for premium motorcycle badge

Tapered Emboss Considerations

Artwork and dimensional files for aluminum badges with a tapered emboss need to take into consideration the same elements as standard emboss tooling.  Keep these in mind during discussion and drafting your blue prints. 

•  Minimum .005" space from to edge of the part 
Minimum stroke and space width of .015" for each embossed graphic
•  Minimum tolerance of ±.015" for registration of embossed graphics to the blank
•  Minimum tolerance of ±.005" for emboss height

Registration is perfected during the tool build with die trials performed before decoration of stock is scheduled. This ensures a repeatable, quality process for production orders. 

Can your aluminum trim design make use of a tapered emboss? Let's find out!

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