
ISO/TS16949 - Quality Standards for Nameplates, Labels and Trim

TS Certified SystemISO/TS16949:2009 Third Edition

When selecting a nameplate supplier some expectations go without saying. One of these is that the product is built with quality and to the specifications that the OEM customer dictates. There shouldn't be cause for concern in the best practices of the manufacturer. This article provides an overview of ISO/TS16949.

What is ISO/TS16949?

ISO/TS 16949 is a process based approach based on improving effectiveness of a quality management system, providing the linkage between the individual processes and that quality management system. It is a set of requirements originally defined for automotive OEMs in North America and Europe which includes all the ISO 9001 global standards. The focus of these requirements is on continual improvement to prevent defects as well as reduce variation and waste with expectation of fulfilling customer specific requirements. These requirements set the foundation for standardization across the supply chain and set an outline for best practices for quality management systems. In order to obtain TS16949 registration, a company needs to demonstrate that it has a Quality Management System in place which centers on continual improvement of manufacturing processes. 

What does it mean for our customers that Northern Engraving has TS16949 registration?

Customers in any industry share in benefits of Northern Engraving obtaining and retaining registration. This is because the actions taken to improve efficiencies and productivity for automotive OEMs become standard processes and procedures which are in place for all manufacturing jobs. Some of these benefits are:   

●  Improved product quality
●  Understanding of customer quality requirements
●  Customer satisfaction by meeting or exceeding expectations

How often do you go through re-certification?

Routine audits are performed to confirm that the documented processes are reflected in day to day operations. Audits by the Registrar are annually and re-registration audits are every 3 years.

Where can I find information specific to Northern Engraving's Registration?

A copy of the current Quality Policy as well as plant-specific registration certificates can be found on our website.

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