
How to Protect your Aluminum Nameplate While in Transit

Aluminum Nameplate Packaging Options

You've spent time designing your product nameplate to showcase your logo and speak well of your brand. On paper it's beautiful and says exactly what you want it to. During transit from production floor to your facility there is potential that your order will get tossed around as the carrier moves from hub to hub. Does this mean you need to worry about what your nameplate will look like when it arrives at your location? With proper packaging, this should not be cause for concern.

Here are some common options used make sure that quality parts are received at your location. If your project requires specific packaging, this should be communicated during quote phase or as soon as possible so that appropriate documentation and direction is given. If no specific direction is given, the most economical and efficient method will be used.  

Protective Mask

A thin plastic film can be applied to the surface of the aluminum for protection against scratching. The mask simply gets pulled off at your assembly location. Or you can leave the mask on for the end customer to remove after purchase. A common pack method for parts with a protective mask is tightly fit rows of product. Packing in this manner keeps the nameplates from shifting during shipping.

Mask Layer Pack  aluminum nameplate with protective mask

Cell Packaging

Parts with a form or dimensional emboss may benefit from being stored and shipped in cells. This allows each individual part to have its own compartment (cell) inside of the shipping box. The parts do not touch each other so there is decreased risk of scratches. 

Cell pack tall  Cell pack layer

Layer Pack

Layers of parts packed tightly provide secure transportation. Parts are laid out onto thin foam which provides a cushion between layers. Typically a paper liner will be placed between carboard for each layer. The paper liner protects against scratches on the surface of the emblems. Layers can have multiple parts or a single part depending on the size.

Flat Layer Pack  
flat layer pack single

Blank on Tape

High volume and very small aluminum nameplates and appliqués can be reviewed for packaging as Blank on Tape. This method allows for efficient assembly due to the parts simply are pulled from the rolled liner. The rolls are packed tightly with thin liner paper between each layer.

blank on tape aluminum nameplates, packaging options for aluminum nameplates

Protective Packaging = Safe Transit

Over 100 years of producing and shipping aluminum nameplates, plastic labels and decorated trim has lent itself to an establishment of standard packaging solutions. Smaller boxes may be placed inside of a larger, crush resistant box along with air packs, styrofoam or carboard packing for a snug fit and reduce likelihood of parts jarring or shifting during its journey.  

Now that you've reviewed some common packaging options which are used to protect your aluminum nameplates and trim during transit, you should feel confident that orders placed will be delivered with good looking parts.  

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