
20 Effective Border Designs for Aluminum Nameplates

Effective Border Designs for Aluminum Nameplates

Aluminum nameplates bordersDesigning your brand identification for aluminum nameplates or plastic decals means that you need to consider several elements: shape, size, color to name a few. What about a border for your label? This is a design element which should not be taken lightly for your nameplate.

What does a border do for your nameplate design? A border typically is used as a frame for the brand that is being showcased on aluminum nameplates. It can add interest to the label with a screened texture or it can provide contrast between the end product and the branding. Either way, this area is valuable real estate. 

Any border could potentially be affected by standard printing tolerances and registration between the decorated area and the blanked edge of the part. For this reason, it is recommended to maintain a border width of .100" (2.54mm). Keeping this minimum border width will help to make sure that production parts look good while allowing for manfuacturing within standard tolerance.

Here is a quick video showing a selection of 20 aluminum nameplates which have taken advantage of the border to add interest or provide framing for the product branding. Enjoy!


What can you do with a border for your next nameplate design? Let's find out!

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