
Nameplate Archive | Brushed Aluminum Trim with Diamond Cut Graphics

Kenwood Amp Np 2 resized 600

A popular sample within our Product Display Room is this amplifier trim. It begs to be touched and has just enough glitz to catch your eye, drawing attention to the product name. 

Brushed aluminum is used as background. The illusion of rivets is achieved with the embossed and diamond cut circles on each of the corners. The center area elevates the brand with more emboss and diamond cut graphics 

This aluminum trim is engineered to seemlessly integrate into the product housing. Review for tolerances in forming over the edge as well as corner radii was needed to ensure clean attachment. The result is premium decoration for a high end piece of electronic equipment.

Kenwood Amp 2 resized 600

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Namplate Samples, Aluminum Nameplates, Plastic Labels