
Nameplate Archive | Computer Nameplate

The above nameplate was designed for an IBM manufacturing system in the 1980’s. The nameplate is an aluminum substrate with an embossed IBM logo and one overall color application. It is a very simple design, yet very recognizable in terms of the company brand.

This version of an IBM is not what we normally think of in terms of computers or processing systems. The 7540 was developed in 1983 for manufacturers to enhance their speed and accuracy. IBM made a programmable tool to handle weights of up to 55 pounds. When paired with an IBM personal computer, the manufacturing engineers could create programs to make the 7540 work through IBM’s custom robotic programming language.

When we think of personal computers today, a laptop or iPad often come to mind. IBM created the first personal computer over 25 years ago, and what a long way the world has come since that time.

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