
Favorite Nameplate | IPC

Guest Blogger

This article is part of a series of articles from my co-workers on their favorite nameplates.  Billie Theobald, our guest blogger this week, is very familiar with the wide variety of nameplates manufactured by Northern Engraving, specializing in the cosmetics industry. 

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Something so small but says it all. 

IPC provides customizable intelligent trading stations to the world’s financial trading floors. The intuitive stations are referred to as turrets or dealer boards. This important piece of communication equipment provides on the spot contact to brokers, exchanges and hedge funds across the globe. One very small logo holds the brand all by itself. 

The piece measures a mere .750”X.500” and is designed with a powerful embossed logo on low gloss brushed aluminum reversed out of black. The decoration is simplistic, but the intent emulates the strength of the product it embraces.

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Billie Theobald Regional Sales Manager

Billie is the regional sales manager for a majority of the East Coast. She specializes in the cosmetics industry and has a wide range of knowledge throughout the company.


Nameplate Materials & Processes Guide

Request a Nameplate Materials and Processes Guide to begin exploring the options available to you in creating product branding that differentiates your product.  Custom color matches, texture and assembly are only some of the options in creating your nameplate.



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