
Nameplate Metal Tear Tab

Aluminum Nameplate Assembly

Calvin Klein Eternity aluminum nameplate

Metal tear tabs are a cost effective option in assembly of nameplates to your products. Tear tabs are typically a small rectangular piece of metal extending outside the edge of your nameplate separated by a score line. Tear tabs are used in removal of adhesive liners. This articles covers guidelines and options in designing a tear tab on a metal nameplate. 

Watch this short video to see how a tear tab is used to remove the adhesive liner from a nameplate. 

Metal Tear Tab Construction

abbed nameplate technical diagram

Materials: Aluminum, Stainless Steel (Polycarbonate also available)
Thickness: .018", .023"
Adhesive: Non-supported Adhesives
Design: Best suited to straight edges but may be used on curves

Alternative Option | Selectively Applied Die Cut Tear Tab

die cut adhesive tabbed nameplates

A selectively applied die cut tear tab is a popular alternative in creating a tab to assist in the removal of adhesive liners.  Several examples are shown here.  This option works for foam adhesives and dimensional nameplates requiring molded backplates.

Advantages of Metal Tear Tabs

Simplification of assembly: Tear tabs simplify and help to expedite the removal of adhesive in the assembly process.

Cost savings in tooling and fixtures: A die blanks the part (and tear tab) and score line all at once, there is no need to build a separate die for adhesive or an adhesive assembly fixture.  The alternative option, selectively applied die cut tear tab, requires a separate die and may require an assembly fixture.

Cost savings in piece price: Additional labor is not required for assembly of adhesive to faceplate.  This option also eliminates the need for an extra adhesive liner prior to assembly.  A selectively applied die cut tear tab requires removal of a liner prior to assembly to the nameplate.

Design Considerations

Removal of a metal tear tab will result in a small disruption on the outer edge of the part where the tab was.  How visible the disruption is depends on the color and finish used in this area of the nameplate or emblem.   Highly reflective and dark finishes make the disruption more obvious while a matte finish helps to minimize it.  Metal tear tabs are best suited to a straight edge but can be used on circular dials.  They are often located in a hidden or less visible area.  Our engineers are available to answer questions and help to optimize the design of your part.   

Nameplate Materials & Processes Guide

Request a Nameplate Materials and Processes Guide to begin exploring the options available to you in creating your product branding. 



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