What is the Most Requested Texture in Nameplates?

Integrating Patterns in Nameplates

Pattern or texture added to nameplates creates detail and interest.  Our library of aluminum finishes features thousands of patterns to be integrated into nameplates.  Finishes can be customized in color, scale or process to meet the design intent of the product identification.  It is interesting to note that even with the myriad of finish choices available there are a few patterns which stand out as favorites.  One in particular has been used on multiple automotive trim and nameplate applications.  The finish is featured here in nameplates, labels and badges.

textured aluminum nameplates

The pattern takes on a unique character in each of the applications due to the processes and color used in addition to the graphic elements which compliment the finish.  The overall look of the pattern can be shifted slightly by adjusting the gloss level of the printed texture.  A subtle pattern is created when a high gloss texture is printed on a low gloss background.  Adding color to the texture creates a pattern with higher contrast.  Using brushed or bright aluminum for the background surface of the pattern allows the metal character to shine through.  Opaque background colors contrast nicely with bright graphics and borders.

Embossed graphics combine with the geometric texture to create an attractive brand image for the products.  Nameplates featuring patterns can be combined with the full range of decorative process options including: diamond cutting, brushing and spinning.

What is it about this finish that has caught the attention of so many?  How would you incorporate it into a nameplate or badge?

Metal Finish Options, Nameplate Pattern Guide



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