
How to Maximize Nameplate Design across Different Product Lines

Maximize Branding in Nameplate Design

Your brand speaks to consumers. The logo you use becomes familiar as do the colors and shape of the nameplate. These all work together to raise awareness in your market. There are times where your brand and identity are used across different sizes of final product. Each size product requires that your nameplate differentiates yourself from your competitors. The message and look that you send is important and needs consistency. Does your brand or product offerings place you in this situation? If so, consider building from one design and maximize that look and message across appropriate sizes for your aluminum nameplates or plastic labels.

GE Various Sizes


Here are some items to consider when reviewing different sizes for your name plate design.

Do all products require the same adhesive and attachment method?
Make sure that the requirements for bonding and attachment do not change with the different sizes. The surface material will help determine this direction.

How many sizes are needed?
Maximize your tooling investment by identifying as many common size name plates as possible across your product lines. Slight differences in product dimensions may be best suited by one tool. Significant changes in product dimensions warrant review for additional tooling.

Can artwork be scaled to fit multiple sizes?
Consider the type of graphic detail that is needed for your brand and how it will look scaled to the different sizes that are needed. Keep in mind standard stroke width for printed text of +/- .010".

How will you differentiate between the sizes?
Each size of your nameplate or label should have its own unique part number. This part number should be identified on your artwork and blue print files for production. This will help keep quotes, purchase orders and inventory items clear. 

What opportunities can you identify to carry your nameplate design across different product lines? Let us help!

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Namplate Samples, Aluminum Nameplates, Plastic Labels