
Four Options for Adding Patterns to Your Nameplate

Patterns in Nameplates, Labels and Badges 

Patterns add detail and depth to metal nameplates.  Technical and precise finishes create a feeling of detailed precision and engineering in product identification.  Marble, mother of pearl, carbon fiber and tortoise shell are a few of the faux finishes which combine with graphics to create a refined and premium look for your brand.  Custom finishes or patterns from a library of thousands of aluminum finishes are integrated into nameplates using one of four primary process options for creating patterns on aluminum.

1. Four Color Process: reproduce virtually any surface on metal
2. Mechanical Finishes: add movement and flip to the nameplate
3. Printed Texture: offered in various colors and gloss levels
4. Tooled Texture: creates a crisp visual and tactile pattern

Four Color Process

wilsonart earthstone nameplate callaway X-18 nameplate

Process color uses four colors to print a wide spectrum of colors.  Images which can be photographed, such as marble, granite and mother of pearl, are good candidates for four color process on aluminum.

Mechnical Finishes

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Selective brushing is used to create precise technical finishes or organic structures.  A combination of bright aluminum and brushing catches the light creating interactive surfaces which can be layered with transparent color.

Printed Texture

american ironhorse aluminum nameplate Trimira aluminum nameplate

Screen printed texture is available in high or low gloss for a subtle background surface.  A colored texture creates a more dramatic contrast in a pattern.  Pinstripes and grids are popular patterns in product identification as well as subtle grains. 

Tooled Texture

Sephora aluminum insert chevrolet textured logo

Embossing and coining are used when the design calls for a surface with added relief or a very crisp detail.  Color can be applied selectively to the metal and aligned with the embossing to add to the visual depth.

Putting it all Together

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The metal processes featured here can be used independently or combined into unique surfaces for product identification.  Selective brushing layered with color and texture come together to create aluminum finishes with depth and texture.


domed tortoise shell insert domed carbon fiber nameplate

The finishes can be further enhance with doming or norlens as shown in this tortoise shell insert for a cosmetic compact and the carbon fiber nameplate.  The dome is applied over transparent tints of color and acts as a lens magnifying the reflective quality of the aluminum.

How would you integrate pattern into a nameplate?



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