Northern Engraving Employees Give Back in 2016
Northern Engraving is proud to be a part of the communities in which we live and serve. We strive to be an exemplary corporate citizen, an active member, and a partner in the communities where we have operations. We are committed to local communities where the company has a presence, and eager to support those who have supported our facilities for over one hundred years.
2016 is coming to a close. Thank you to all our employees and families for your support of the community this year. These efforts and donations help support Steppin’ Out in Pink, Sparta Area Cancer Support, Back to School, Boys and Girls Club of Sparta, local food pantries, Blood Center of Wisconsin, Toys for Tots and others.
To close out the year we have collected donations for the local food pantries in November as well as hat and mitten trees in December. Additionally, our Holmen manufacturing plant gathered donations for the local Toys for Tots. Our Sparta manufacturing plant and Corporate Office have adopted families in need and made sure that they received Christmas gifts along with warm blankets and other household items.