Pantone Color of the Year 2017 | Greenery

Pantone 15-0343 Greenery 2017 Color of the Year.pngEach year the color experts at the Pantone Color Institute select a color of the year. For 2017, the choice color is named Greenery, Pantone 15-0343. It is a yellow-green hue which is meant to invoke feelings of rebirth and the coming of spring.

With this in mind I thought it would be interesting to take a look at how color could be incorporated into surface decoration for aluminum trim. A hint of color as an accent element can completely change the feel of the pattern. It can draw attention to the curve of a part or to highlight a specific area.

This finish is an example of a pattern on aluminum with white as the main color and infusing a bright green. The result is a flowing accent which catches your eye and makes you follow the swirl.

DES-1486-A modern aluminum pattern with accent color green

You can take any pattern from our existing library and tweak it with a custom color. Your own unique pattern structure can be developed into a new finish for your project as well. The pattern shown above is included in one of the latest Surface Collections featuring geometric structures and more examples of how to incorporate color into finish development.

Related Posts for Aluminum with Color

Aluminum Finishes with Color Accents
Green Finishes on Aluminum
Custom Aluminum Finishes
Greenery Surface Collection

Have an idea of where you can incorporate color with your next design? Let's talk!